X = Head and piston in AISI316L/Piston seal in NBR | It is possible to make heads in different materials (P.T.F.E. – P.V.D.F. – Hastelloy – carpenter etc.).
XT = Head and piston in AISI316L/Piston seal in PTFE
XV = Head and piston in AISI316L/Piston gasket in VYTON
XC = Head in AISI316L/Piston in ceramic/Piston seals in VYTON
P = Head and valves in PVC/Piston seal in VYTON/Balls in Pyrex/Piston in ceramic
P = Head and valves in PVC/Piston in AISI316L/Piston seal in NBR
X = Head and valves in AISI316L stainless steel/Piston in AISI 420/Diaphragm in Teflon/NBR
XR = Like version “X” with safety valve and oil recirculation
P = Head and valve in PVC/Piston in AISI 420/Diaphragm in Teflon/NBR
PR = As “P” version with safety valve and oil recirculation.
dv = Double valves VERSION
The valve versions are listed in the relative table.
On request it is possible to assemble pistons with different materials (stellite, chromium, etc.) The seals on the piston are made with lip rings in nitrile rubber or P.T.F.E. or VYTON.
Versions with interposed fluid diaphragm can be provided. On request, it is possible to put on an oil recirculation valve which has a double function: safety valve and topping-up device to keep the quantity of oil in the chamber constant and therefore ensure maximum metering precision.
In this type of pump the diaphragm is operated by an eccentric of the type with a spring return; this determines the advancement of the diaphragm for its entire stroke, while the continuous tension spring causes the diaphragm to return. In this version there is no oil in the membrane chamber so there is no pollution of the pumped liquid in case of membrane breakage.